The Degree Valuation Calculator

* Please note, only male and female genders are represented in the available data sources


* If your degree is not listed please select ‘other’ and the calculator will take into account your University and Gender


* If your University is not listed, please select ‘other’


* If you plan to work outside the UK, please select ‘other’


Your results

What difference could your degree make to your average annual earnings by the age of 29?1

The average annual salary for someone with your chosen degree, at age 29 is:

Compared to someone without a degree, this is a yearly difference of2:

As a percentage, this is a difference of2:

What difference does your chosen degree make to your earned income over your working life?3

The average lifetime earnings for someone with your chosen degree is:

Over the course of your lifetime, a degree in this field will on average increase your lifetime earnings by2:

What difference does your choice of university make to your earned income over your working life?3

The average lifetime earned income for students attending your chosen University is:

Compared to those who did not attend University, those who graduated from your chosen University can expect a lifetime increase in earnings of2:

As well as the potential for increased earned income, a university education can have many other benefits over the course of your lifetime.

For example, research (ONS Wellbeing of Graduates Report) shows that university graduates experience greater life satisfaction and changes in how they experience anxiety.

We commissioned a survey of 2,000 UK adults and asked them to place a value on what an increase in life satisfaction or reduction in anxiety would be worth to them.

This might increase or reduce the value of your degree (for example, depending on whether your circumstances are likely to increase or reduce your feelings of anxiety).

Based on your circumstances, the financial worth placed on these additional lifestyle benefits over your working life is estimated as:

Based on all of the above data, the estimated additional lifetime value of your degree is calculated as:


Expand footnotes...
  1. Gross income not factoring in student loans.

  2. Compared to a person with at least five GCSEs at A* to C or equivalent and no degree.

  3. This is taking into account student loan repayments and extra tax. In other words, what extra financial value is your degree really likely to add.

Notes on calculations:

Expand calculation notes...
  • Earnings calculations are based on data provided by the Institute of Fiscal Studies.

  • Earnings at 29 are based on average gross earnings.

  • ‘Lifetime earnings’ means earnings from paid work between the ages of 19 and 67 (therefore does not include later life income from pensions – nor does it include other benefits to which people might be entitled).

  • These are average net earnings and therefore take into account taxes and student loans (based on current tax system, student loan figures and given at today’s value terms).

  • Non-Higher Education (HE) earnings are based on people with at least 5 GCSE grades A to C (and excludes those with HE education below degree level).

  • Calculations use ‘Green Book Discounting’ to allow for differences in characteristics (e.g. average family wealth) between those who do and do not typically attend university.

  • Value of improved life satisfaction and reduced anxiety levels are based on the results of a UK nationally representative survey of 2,000 adults conducted in May 2020, which attributes a value to them.